
Conservative Political Elites 1951-1964

Winston Churchill

  • Reputation gained during WWII.
  • Was not a great Prime Minister between 1951-1955
  • Named an "absentee" PM - was either abroad or ill.
  • Concentrated more on international politics, so left the day-to-day running of the country to Eden, Macmillan and Butler.

Anthony Eden  

  • Rising political star from the 1930's.
  • Key role in Churchill's wartime government.
  • Eden was acting PM when Churchill was absent between 1951-1955.
  • He felt annoyed that Churchill hadn't already stepped down.
  • Churchill may have had doubts about Eden - they had a strained relationship.
  • Became PM in 1955 after Churchill resigned.
  • Eden was forced to resign after the Suez Crisis - his career ended in failure.

Harold Macmillan 

  • Star politician
  • He was Churchill's military liaison officer.
  • He gained his reputation in 1951 when he became the housing minister - he built 300,000 houses per year.
  • Became foreign secretary when Eden became PM.
  • Macmillan took over the Conservative party when Eden resigned.
  • He was clever with the media who tended to be on his side.
  • Was the first PM to utilise TV.
  • Newspapers called him "Supermac."
  • He had a theatrical style and was in touch with public opinion.
  • Labour party was a mess during his time.
  • Famous for saying that Britain "had never had it so good."

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