
Was there a Social Revolution in the 1960's?

  • Subcultures opposed to established society were developing e.g.: Mods, Rockers, Teddy Boys.
  • Emergence of youth culture.
  • An outburst of individualism.
  • Greater freedoms in fashion and self-expression.
  • Technological advances - TVs, Cars, Air travel etc.
  • Growth of "world news" and international media images.
  • Greater affluence and availability of credit.
  • Improvements in material life and the "consumer society."
  • Upheavals in immigration and class.
  • Sexual liberation - the pill was available for the first time, homosexuality was legalised, first explicit book was published.
  • There was changes in where people lived and transport systems.
  • Major changes in education and secondary school development.
  • "Conservative backlash" from the older generation.

  • Social change ebbs and flows - society is always changing.
  • Social change in the 1960's didn't effect everyone - depended on age, class and region of living.
  • The changes didn't last.
  • Middle classes instigated a backlash at the changes made - "class system was dented, but not broken."
  • Most people resisted a lot of the changes.

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